These are the key and ongoing priorities I have supported and will continue to support into the future. These priorities are paramount to the success and forward progress of Mount Prospect.
- Citizen Safety as Priority #1
- Strong Police and Fire Services
- Economic Development and Financial Vitality
- Stable, Diversified Tax and Fee Base
- Decreasing Reliance on Property Tax
- Responsible, Efficient Village Spending
- Protecting our Residential Neighborhoods
- Maintaining our “Family-Friendly” Reputation
- Maintaining Strong Property Values
- Vital and Competitive Business Community
- Financially Beneficial Annexations
- Cost Effective, High Quality Public Works
- Human Services to Help “At Risk” Citizens
- Flood Control Programs and Projects
- Emergency Preparedness
- Programs and Services for Seniors
- Quality, Compatible “Infill” Redevelopment
- Citizen Involvement, Input, and Feedback
- Quality of Life Initiatives
- Maintaining our “Hometown” Feel
- A Diverse and Inclusive Community