I always have and always will support an open, honest, and transparent government process in Mount Prospect, a process that is conducted in the “light of day” for all of our citizens to see.
Over my time on the Board, no Village Board decisions have been “predetermined” ahead of our Village Board meetings and no “vote trading” has ever occurred.
“Citizen input” on issues facing the Village Board has been encouraged, formally and informally, over the years and is highly valued, considered, and factored into each and every decision made by the Village Board.
Your Village Board is accessible in a number of ways.
Regular Meetings: Our Village Board meetings are open to all citizens. Comments can be made under “Citizens to be Heard” or during specific issues under discussion. All voices are heard. Meetings are broadcast on the village channel and streaming on the website.
Traveling Committee of the Whole Meetings: One of the promises I made when I ran for Mayor in 2021 was to bring government to the people. Since my election as Mayor, the Village Board has held 3 to 4 Committee of the Whole meetings each year with citizens in various neighborhoods around the Village.
Coffee with Council: Each month on the second Saturday, the Village Board meets informally with citizens in an “informal” setting to hear comments, concerns, and receive input on specific concerns or issues.
Annual Budget Process: The Village Board conducts 6 annual budget meetings which are open to all. Our quarterly budget reviews are also open to all for public comment and input.
General Accessibility: Each individual Village Board member is accessible by telephone, e-mail, and text. Personal phone numbers and e-mail address of all elected officials are available on the Village website. Additionally, all Village Board members are very open to simply talking with citizens as they move about the Village in their daily activities. This can be absolutely one of the best ways to receive input.
Paul Wm. Hoefert, Mayor