My Top Five Priorities

1. Fiscally Responsible Approach to our Village Finances

My record shows I am extremely fiscal responsible.  Keeping annual spending and tax levies as low as possible is a top priority.  I have supported 34 balanced budgets, a diversified tax and fee base, and I have fought to keep our tax levy down.

2.  Strong Life Safety Services

Maintaining a strong police, fire, and public works departments is a critical priority.   Life safety services are the most important services our Village government can provide to its citizens.   When you need an ambulance, a fire truck, or a police car to come quickly, there can be no compromise.

3.  Protecting our Residential Neighborhoods

Protecting the delicate fabric of our residential neighborhoods is extremely important to me.   I helped create the “Home Occupation” and “Commercial Vehicle” ordinances which were designed to keep commercial intrusions out of our residential neighborhoods.

4.  Economic Development and a Vital Business Community

I want to keep the positive momentum our Village is experiencing moving ahead.  Over the past 4 years, our Village has experienced unprecedented growth and development, we have reduced the Village’s portion of the tax levy by 11%, and we have annexed land in South Mount Prospect which has brought existing tax revenues to the Village which benefits us all Village residents.  As Mayor, a primary focus over the next 4 years would be to keep us on this positive trajectory of growth and prosperity.  I would continue to support policies and directives to drive our growth and economic development initiatives forward to positive outcomes and keep taxes flat or down.

5.  Annual Infrastructure Improvements

I have supported making annual improvements to roads, bridges, sewers, and water mains so that we do not let these Village assets fall into disrepair.   Allowing that to happen would cost us significantly more in the long run.