MP Journal Questions

The following questions were recently asked of each of the candidates for Mayor by the Mount Prospect Journal during the 2025 Election.  Below are my answers to those questions.

  1. What are your reasons you are running for Mayor?

I am extremely passionate about our Village and have been since the day Linda and I moved to Mount Prospect.  As such, for that reason and that reason alone, I became involved and have dedicated many years of public service to the people of the Village.

Over the past 4 years as Mayor, I have made a concerted effort to be available to the public and to formally communicate with the citizens regularly.   I have also made my role as Mayor my own and have championed various initiatives such as keeping taxes flat or down, the elimination of our vehicle sticker, growth and development, promoting sustainability, and much much more.

My overall reason for running for re-election as Mayor is to continue to move our Village forward and keep our positive “momentum and prosperity” going for another 4 years.  Specifically, I am running for re-election to continue our focus on factors such as “Citizen Safety”, protecting our residential neighborhoods, maintaining our fiscal responsibility and the careful spending of our tax dollars, and continuing down the path of growth and development.

Citizen Safety / Priority #1 is and always has been “Citizen Safety”.  There can be no compromise when it comes to “Citizen Safety”.  This priority has been championed and supported by sufficiently resourcing our Police, Fire, Public Works, and Human Services Departments.  Under my leadership, I pledge that “Citizen Safety” will remain our top priority.

Protecting our Residential Neighborhoods / Residential neighborhoods are what give Mount Prospect charm and a unique character.  Neighborhoods are the backbone of the community and the place where we live and enjoy life.

Fiscal Responsibility / By policy and purposeful action, the Mount Prospect Village Board has always taken a responsible, careful approach to our Village finances and maintained a healthy and balanced Village budget that has provided us with great flexibility and over the past few years has allowed us to keep the Village’s portion of the tax levy flat or down.

Growth and Development / I want to keep the positive momentum our Village is experiencing moving ahead.  Over the past 4 years, our Village has experienced unprecedented growth and development, we have reduced the Village’s portion of the tax levy by 11%, and we have annexed land in South Mount Prospect which has brought existing tax revenues to the Village which benefits us all Village residents.  As Mayor, a primary focus over the next 4 years would be to keep us on this positive trajectory of growth and prosperity.  I would continue to support policies and directives to drive our growth and economic development initiatives forward to positive outcomes and keep taxes flat or down.

2. What is the biggest difference between you and the other candidate?

 I have been an elected official in the Village for 34 years and as a result I have deep experience in municipal leadership as well as a depth of knowledge of how we operate our Village day to day.  I have a proven track record of promoting growth policies as evidenced by the unprecedented growth we have experienced in the Village during my time as Mayor.  Over my 34 years on the Village Board, I have displayed a contemporary viewpoint and approach amending my vision to keep up with changing times and the changing needs and desires of our residents.

Additionally, my professional career in the “Financial Services” industry spanned 44 years at major Chicagoland financial institutions with much of that time in senior leadership/management roles.  As a result of my professional experience, I have a deep financial background with very strong financial skills which is key to promoting and maintaining fiscal responsibility in our Village government.

3. Where do you see the Village 4 years from now from a financial, development, and social standpoint?

Financial / On the financial front, my future vision is that we will continue to grow our Village and maintain our positive, forward momentum.  The Village is poised and ready for future growth and economic development which will provide growing revenue flows which in turn will strengthen our Village’s financial position.

Development / It’s happening in Mount Prospect and as a result, Mount Prospect is the place to be.  Over the coming 4 years, we will continue to market the Village of Mount Prospect to entrepreneurs and the development community keeping Mount Prospect front of mind as a place of opportunity and a place to invest their capital.  We will deploy our marketing plan to attract new business and new development which in turn will attract even more new business and development.

Social / From a social viewpoint, we will continue to put forth our welcoming message as a friendly and inclusive community and as such, I believe our Village will become even more diverse into the future.  Bottom line, new and diverse citizens will bring new and diverse ideas for a better community, overall.















  1. What do you see is the biggest challenge facing the Village in the next year or two and how would you face it head on?

 The biggest challenge will be finding ways to continue to move our Village forward and build on our current prosperity.  We must actively work to keep our Village moving forward through growth.  We cannot allow ourselves to sit back and become complacent and rest on our laurels.

In addition, we must be prepared in the event certain obstacles such as a softening economy were to present themselves.  However, I believe your Village Board and Senior Staff have planned ahead and I believe we are prepared financially to deal with and overcome many potential obstacles and keep our Village moving forward in spite of any obstacles.

 5. The Top 3 things you like or love about the Village . . . .

Our People / We are blessed with caring and generous people who daily give of themselves to help their fellow citizens, support their community, and exemplify our motto “Where Friendliness is a way of Life”.  While we are the 24th largest municipality in Illinois, the people of Mount Prospect give our Village that small town, caring feel.

Abundant Opportunity / In my opinion, Mount Prospect is a Village full of opportunity.  Many of the actions we have taken and initiatives we have put in place over the past 4 years have improved opportunity in Mount Prospect and created greater awareness that our Village is a great place to live, work, and do business.

Prepared for the Future / We are prepared.  The Village has a robust strategic plan with specific strategic goals which we update, annually.  In addition, our Village is extremely fiscally responsible and has an incredibly strong financial position which will support our Village into the future.  We currently have a AA+ municipal credit rating.  One of our near-term goals is to move the Village from a AA+ credit rating to a AAA credit rating.

The Top 3 things you do not like about the Village . . . .

 The fact is I love everything about our Village.

Waiting for the Right Time to Move Forward can be Frustrating /

I am a get-it-done person but sometimes progress needs to move at its own pace to produce a successful, positive outcome.  Sometimes timing is a key success component and certain factors such as a positive economy and ready resources need to be in place for various projects and initiatives to be successful and sometimes that takes time and patience.

6. Should the Bears relocate to Arlington Heights, how do you see that affecting Mount Prospect? In a good or bad way? What would be the pros and cons? And what do you want to make sure the village has available since you are one town over… More hotels? More restaurants? Would you want the Village of Arlington Heights to help with road resurfacing costs or pay the village anything as part of a cost-sharing agreement?

I believe that a Bears move to Arlington Heights would likely be positive for Mount Prospect and the Northwest Region, as a whole.  However, it is hard to predict or quantify the exact positive impact the Bears move to Arlington Heights might have on Mount Prospect.

I believe a Bears move to Arlington Heights would bring some level of greater vitality to Mount Prospect as Bears fans come and go from the stadium on various roads which traverse our Village.  Some fans might arrive early and dine in Mount Prospect to avoid the crowds closer to the stadium or after the game they might dine in Mount Prospect and then head for home.

There is a possibility that arrangements could be made for fans to park in Mount Prospect in parking lots which are unoccupied on Sundays and take a shuttle to and from the game adding to the potential that fans could partake of what Mount Prospect has to offer.  Keep in mind that beyond Bears Games, there may be other onsite events in the stadium which could also generate business in Mount Prospect, as well.

Relative to any cost-sharing agreements, I highly doubt that the Village of Arlington Heights would agree to any cost-sharing agreements related to the potential and nebulous impacts the Bears stadium could have on roads and other infrastructure in Mount Prospect.  If Bears fans were to travel through Mount Prospect to and from games, they would likely travel on roads such as Northwest Highway and Golf Road which are State routes.

7. What ideas do you have to keep property taxes paid to the Village flat for the next few years?

 Growth and development is the primary key driver to keeping property taxes flat or down in the coming years.  As Mayor, I would continue the focus on “growth and development” which generates added and diverse tax revenues so that we, as a municipality, can continue to rely less on residential property taxes as a funding source to run our Village. Ongoing expense control is also key.

Downtown Mount Prospect, South Mount Prospect, Randhurst Village, and many more areas around town have incredible potential and opportunity to grow with new businesses opening and new residential projects being built.

As I have repeatedly stated, one of my overarching goals continues to be to keep the Village’s portion of our annual residential tax levy flat or down in the coming years.  Growth in the Village will significantly help accomplish my goal of keeping property taxes down.

8. Thoughts on the ongoing litigation between the village and Prestige? What can the Village do to end this lawsuit?

Unfortunately, as Mayor, at this time I am bound and limited as to what I can say as a result of orders by the Judge and given the ongoing litigation.

However, I think the question really should be “What can Prestige do to end the lawsuit”.  Prestige can either stop emitting noxious odors into the surrounding neighborhoods generated by their manufacturing processes or move out of Mount Prospect.

Many people have said that the Village should just close down Prestige.  That type of action would open the Village to serious legal and financial risk and is also not a legal option.  Bottomline, the Village must stay the course we have been on for some time and keep the pressure on Prestige legally through our pending lawsuit and air quality testing.

What can be done to make sure something like this does not happen again in town with another business?

When Prestige was originally going to move to the Village, it was felt by our Community Development Department based on what was told to us by Prestige that their operation would be benign and create no issues.  Frankly, most businesses which operate within Mount Prospect do not create any negative impacts.

However, going forward, if a business which was anticipating a move to Mount Prospect was thought to have a potential negative environmental impact which would make the business non-compliant with our codes, they would be denied a permit to operate.

9. Do you believe there is a crime issue in town and what can police do to deter crime in town going forward?

 It is an unfortunate fact of our modern world that crime exists and every village or city experiences some level of crime.   No municipality is immune, and Mount Prospect is no different.

However, Mount Prospect has an incredibly skilled and committed police force which is well-resourced and out there every day protecting our citizens through an increased police presence and up-to-date crime fighting tools stopping crime when possible, and investigating and prosecuting crime when it does occur.  I believe the fact that criminals know that the Village is tough on crime is a deterrent.

Going forward as your Mayor, I will continue to strongly support policies and expenditures to ensure we have an appropriate number of Officers on the streets protecting our citizens.  I will also support policies to continue employing current crime fighting methods and technologies as well as deploying new technologies to fight crime as they become available.

10. Is there a lack of diversity in the Village? Why or why not?

 Mount Prospect is a multi-cultural community with people living here from many different countries of origin.  We are and have been a welcoming and safe community and a great place to live and raise a family which I believe is attractive to people of all ethnic backgrounds.  In addition, it is known that we also celebrate and respect our community’s diversity.  For example, annually will hold our “Celebration of Cultures” event to celebrate and learn about the peoples of various cultures living in Mount Prospect.  Because of these factors, in the coming years, I do believe that Mount Prospect will continue to grow in diversity.

How can the Village improve barriers between non-English speaking residents and how would you go about implementing those improvements?

 Communication is key to eliminating barriers.  Having written and audio community information sources available in more languages is absolutely one way to eliminate barriers and support our diverse population.  When it comes to Village information, we will make translation technology available to convert local on-line information sources into various languages.  This would be a significant step forward relative to communicating with our diverse population.  In addition, given the success we have had with the Community Connections Center in South Mount Prospect, we may want to conduct a study to determine if a Community Connections Center in North Mount Prospect to support our diverse population in that area of town is warranted.

11. Was the ethics ordinance adopted by the Village Board last year needed? Why or why not ?

 Yes.  In my opinion, the Village Board driven changes to the Ethics rules governing the Village Board which were made in October of 2024 were necessary.  While we previously had various “Ethics” rules built into our existing ordinances, it was absolutely time to tighten and expand the rules governing ethics.

Tightening the Ethics rules was a Village Board driven strategic initiative, one which the current sitting Village Board wanted accomplished in 2024.  That goal was met through the changes made and after much discussion those changes were supported and approved by a majority Village Board vote in late 2024.

While I believe we have always had ethical, moral Village Board members, times change and practices change which require the Village Board to review existing rules around Ethics and make changes, when necessary.

Should it be tweaked (amended) in the future ? Why or why not ?

 Yes.  Going forward, Ethics rules governing the Village Board should be part of a “living document” subject to regular review and amendments because unforeseen issues and situations may arise related to “changing times” and “changing Village Boards”.

12. Would you be in favor of the Village purchasing the former Chase Bank building at Busse and Emerson in order to have that site redeveloped and what do you believe is the right project for that site?

 Yes, absolutely.  I believe the Village needs to gain control of the former Chase building at 111 E. Busse in the heart of downtown Mount Prospect through a purchase of the property.  Over a number of years, the building had been the subject of a lawsuit questioning and challenging the actual ownership of the building.  The Village was not involved with nor a party to that lawsuit.  However, because of that lawsuit, the Village could not move forward on any purchase until that situation resolved to the point where a sale could potentially be transacted.

The building, which has been an eyesore, is a huge piece of the downtown redevelopment puzzle and sits on a prime redevelopment parcel.  By gaining control of the former Chase building through a purchase, we can go to the development community with a request for proposals (RFP) for redevelopment.  The Village can then have direct control and oversight of what is built on this key and prominent downtown parcel.  The right project will be determined by the marketplace, but I believe a mixed use residential and retail development with a public space component would be appropriate for that site.

If possible, I would like to see the residential portion of the redevelopment be “owner-occupied” versus the building of another rental building.  Rental buildings have undoubtedly been the driver of our downtown redevelopment over the past number of years and obviously been very positive for the overall growth and renaissance of downtown Mount Prospect.  However, I believe the local rental market may be saturated and that the time is right for an owner-occupied development.

13. Any other comments….

 I believe I bring a consistent, open, forthright, common-sense approach to my role as Mayor.  That has always been my trademark approach.  My actions and my record over 34 years on the Village Board absolutely support this statement.  I assure the people of Mount Prospect that if I am re-elected Mayor of Mount Prospect on April 1, 2025, that will not change.

I also believe in proactive, direct outreach to our citizens with the objective of understanding the concerns of our citizens expressed in their own words.  When I ran for Mayor in 2021, I committed to holding regular Neighborhood Meetings around the Village and to conduct Citizen Surveys to hear directly from the people of Mount Prospect both of which have happened.  Going forward, under my leadership as Mayor, I guarantee that we will continue to hold Neighborhood Meetings and conduct Citizens Surveys to get your direct feedback.

Finally, I want to say to all the people of Mount Prospect, it has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve you as your Mayor these past 4 years and as a Village Trustee for 30 years before that.  With your support and your vote, I will continue to serve you as your Mayor and keep our Village moving forward to new heights.

Paul Wm. Hoefert

Mayor of the Village of Mount Prospect



Historical . . . .

The following questions were recently asked of each of the candidates for Mayor by the Mount Prospect Journal during the 2021 Election.  Below are my answers to those questions.

  1. Why run for Mayor since the Mayor only votes to break a tie?

Having observed many Mayors over my 37 years in the Village, I know the role of Mayor is far more than just breaking tie votes.  The Mayor has the ability to help set the course and direction of our Community as well as exert influence over regional issues impacting Mount Prospect which can ultimately shape the solution to those issues with an outcome of helping and protecting our Village.

For example, when you look back at the most recent Mayors, Mayor Juracek has been a major influence on the O’Hare Noise Commission, Mayor Wilks served on the Cook County Economic Development Advisory Committee helping to bring economic vitality to the region, Mayor Farley had a significant influence over regional flood control which led to the building of the flood wall along River Road, and Mayor Krause jump started downtown redevelopment with the formation of the first local Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District allowed by state law.

I also believe the Mayor can help generate proactive community outreach to directly connect with and receive input from our citizens as well as promote citizen involvement in our local government.  To bring color to this statement, I offer the following.

My record shows I have been an ardent supporter of downtown redevelopment.  In fact, I first became involved with the Village challenging a proposed development.  Then Mayor Krause listened to the citizens’ concerns over that proposed TIF development.  Mayor Krause then stopped that development, formed a citizens committee to find alternative developments, and went a different direction.  An excellent example of representative government.

Recently, we had a similar citizens’ challenge to the Maple Street Lofts Development around concerns of density and traffic.  I was extremely outspoken about the fact that there were far too few opportunities for the people to be heard.  In the end, no changes were made to the development as a result of citizen input. When the vote was taken by the Village Board, I voted with the people and against the Maple Street Lofts, as proposed.

  1. What is the biggest difference between you and the other candidates? Fully explain.

 I am the only candidate with significant depth of experience and valuable institutional knowledge under my belt as a result of serving the people of Mount Prospect as their Village Trustee for the past 30 years.

I was there when the Village put our first flood control project in place to protect our neighborhoods. I was there when downtown redevelopment formed its first TIF and redevelopment began in earnest.  I was there and supported the renaissance of Randhurst, one of the largest tax generators for our Village.  I helped manage the Village through the Great Recession making some exceedingly difficult financial decisions to keep the Village afloat.  As my record shows, during my time on the Village Board, I have exerted extremely responsible influence over our precious Village tax revenues and overall finances.  I have been a “fiscal watchdog” for the people.  Other than myself, absolutely no other candidate running for Mayor in our election on April 6, 2021 can make any one of those statements.

I believe my common sense approach to moving the Village forward applying a “contemporary” viewpoint with the goal of providing high quality service level at a reasonable cost set me apart from the other candidates.  Another differentiating factor which sets me apart is that I continually strive to keep Mount Prospect a desirable place to live, raise a family, and run a business. Finally, my top priority is and will continue to be to keep our property values strong and growing.

As a final comment, I have honorably and faithfully served the people of Mount Prospect in my capacity as Village Trustee for the past 30 years and I am hopeful that the people feel I have earned their support to become their next Mayor.

  1. Where do you see the Village 4 years from now from a financial, development, and social standpoint?

In the next four years, we will have made significant progress on each of these aspects but not without a great deal of thought and effort.  As the local economy improves, our Village’s financial resources and outlook will continue to grow giving us greater financial flexibility.  Development and redevelopment will be on a positive upward trajectory. Mount Prospect has areas ripe for redevelopment.  Shifting retail shopping trends may give rise to redevelopment of certain retail zoned properties.  In addition, as the South Mount Prospect Plan begins to take hold, there are significant areas of land that will lend themselves to redevelopment and revitalization such as the former United Airlines Headquarters.  This property alone represents a huge opportunity for South Mount Prospect and when redeveloped will provide a huge benefit to Mount Prospect, as a whole.  Finally, 4 years from now we will have made significant and purposeful improvements relative to celebrating our diversity and becoming an increasingly more diverse community.

  1. What do you see is the biggest challenge facing the Village in the next year or two and how would you face it head on?

Economic growth and financial vitality are absolutely two of the biggest challenges facing the Village.  The economic impact of the pandemic has been harsh.  People have lost their jobs, businesses have had to close, and tax revenues are down.  Over the next two years, as the economy turns the corner, we will need to help recreate economic vitality in the Village.  We will face this challenge head on by actively assisting our Commercial landlords to lease their open spaces.  Increasing proactive outreach to the business community through the Community Development Department needs to produce results which will contribute to moving this revitalization forward by helping prospective businesses, large and small, understand that Mount Prospect is well located, has multiple major throughfares carrying thousands of people through the Village daily, has excellent demographics, has a population of potential employees, and because of all of this, would be a great place to locate and do business.

  1. When it comes to recreational marijuana, did the Village make the wrong decision over a year ago by not permitting the sale of recreational marijuana resulting in missing out on revenue dollars? Why or why not?

We absolutely did not make a wrong decision a year or more ago. The wait was appropriate and intelligent as we took that time to understand and learn as well as conduct a Village-sponsored referendum to hear directly from the citizens as to how they felt about the sale of recreational marijuana in Mount Prospect.  During the time that we waited, the Village of Mount Prospect learned a great deal from the communities that ran blindly forward.  Our Elected Officials, Village Staff, and our Citizens developed an understanding of the impacts of recreational marijuana and how to deal with the issues associated with local sales and the delivery of recreational marijuana.

Keep in mind that this past summer, I was the Village Trustee who brought forward the idea of a Village-wide referendum to hear the voice of the people of Mount Prospect, directly.  Through the referendum, the people of Mount Prospect have now officially and directly spoken and their Village Board is listening.  The sale of Recreational Marijuana in Mount Prospect can and is moving forward.

  1. Some restaurants are barely hanging on during this pandemic and the Village is providing some relief, but what about other businesses that are barely hanging on? What would you propose to help those business out?

 Unfortunately, the Village does not have the financial means at the local level to help all of its businesses.  However, the Federal Government is offering various programs such as the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP Program) to help small businesses and their employees through this financially difficult time. Additionally, we must all shop and spend our dollars locally.  It makes a difference.

On a regional level, the Village and our fellow municipalities in the Northwest Municipal Conference, need to push our State and Federal officials to get our local and regional populations vaccinated as soon as possible.  It is clear that current efforts at the Federal and State levels have been off to a sluggish start.  The officials administering this program need to accelerate the delivery of the vaccines with the goal of inoculating the general population sooner and at a faster rate.  The faster people can become protected from the virus thru the vaccine, the sooner life and the economy can return to some level of normalcy.

  1. With 2021 still up in the air when it comes to the pandemic and people still struggling financially, what can the village do to ease the burden for people? Flat tax levy going into 2022? Reduce fees?

Keep taxes and fees down.  I supported and voted for a 0% increase to the tax levy in the last budget and would support a 0% increase to the tax levy for 2022.  I also proposed a 0% tax levy for the 2020 budget but could not find the votes to pass a 0% levy.  The Village has already suspended a number of fees which has been helpful.  Finally, we may need to delay several additional capital projects budgeted for 2021 until the economy improves and funding is less tenuous.

  1. How would you change the Mayor position going forward to make it your own and different from past mayors?

 While I would certainly build on the policies and practices establish by previous Mayors and Boards, new issues are always coming forward with the changing times.  I would be ready to tackle those issues and use our collective mind power to solve the problems and challenges resulting from these issues.  As I have tried to do over the past few years, as Mayor, I will promote greater proactive outreach to the people of Mount Prospect in an attempt to hear from individual citizens, neighborhoods, and organizations within the Village.  We need to hear directly and regularly from the people of Mount Prospect.

 9. The Mayor receives a low annual salary. Would you propose to increase it due to all the work that goes into the position, decrease it, or keep it the same? Fully explain your position.

As far as I am concerned, serving as Mayor or Trustee in Mount Prospect is not about compensation but rather about giving back to the Community, keeping our Village vital, and helping to move Mount Prospect forward.  A large portion of my time over the past 30 years has been dedicated to serving our community as a Village Trustee as well as serving various charitable organizations.  The small stipend Board members receive help defray the costs of running for office as well as covering various household expenses associated with serving on the Board.  Bottom line, however anyone does it, I believe it is important to give back for the sake of giving back.

  1. Red light cameras come up every now and then. With so many busy intersections in town, would you support installing red light cameras, which has also shown that it can be a revenue generator for the community?

Never !! . . . . In my opinion, red-light cameras do not provide greater safety and are simply an illegitimate and unethical method of fleecing the driving public.  I never have nor will I ever support the installation of red-light cameras in Mount Prospect.

  1. Does the Village need to improve when it comes to diversity? Why or why not? How can you make the Village more diverse?

 Improving on and promoting all aspects of diversity in Mount Prospect is a stated and ongoing strategic goal of the Village Board and will continue to present ongoing challenges for our community to overcome.  Mount Prospect is a multi-cultural Village with representation from many cultures, races, and ethnic backgrounds.  As I have in the past, I will continue to embrace and celebrate diversity in our Village.  The fact is that a diverse Community results in a richer and fuller community because of diversity of thought, knowledge, opinion, and points of view that it brings.

Generally, I believe Mount Prospect is a welcoming community.  However, of late, I have come to understand that some people of color may not feel that Mount Prospect is as welcoming as we might think and may actively choose not to move to Mount Prospect.  We need to explore this and understand what messages these prospective citizens may be receiving and work to change those thoughts about Mount Prospect.

We need to send a clear message that Mount Prospect is an open and welcoming community. I certainly cannot tackle this issue alone.  If elected Mayor, I will task the Community Engagement Committee with getting to the root of this issue, understanding the depth of this issue, and to begin looking for ways to change that reputation.  

12. Does the Village have too much debt and should there be concern during these tough economic times? Why or why not?

 Over the years, past Village Boards have responsibly managed the debt level of the Village so as not to get in over our heads.  As a result of a couple of recent costly capital projects, the Village has doubled its outstanding debt from approximately $50 million to $110 million.  We have the capacity to manage that level of debt but I personally find this amount of debt concerning and expressed that vehemently during our deliberations. With this considerably higher debt, the flexibility around managing the overall finances of the Village becomes more constrained as paying interest and principal is a legal, ethical, and reputational priority.  Until this larger debt load is paid down to a more manageable level, the Village will have to dedicate a greater amount of its financial resources to the payment of principal and interest.  This becomes even more concerning in an economic downturn like we are now experiencing.  As Village revenues become more constrained by a difficult economy, debt repayment uses a greater percentage of the Village’s financial resources leaving less for operations and other necessary capital projects.

  1. Any Other Comments

 I believe I bring a consistent, open, forthright, common sense approach to my current role as a Village Trustee.  That is my trademark approach.  My actions and record absolutely support this statement.  I assure the people of Mount Prospect that if I am elected Mayor of Mount Prospect on April 6th this will not change.

I also believe in proactive, direct citizen outreach with the objective of understanding the concerns of our citizens expressed in their own words.  Regular neighborhood meetings held around the Village and citizen surveys are two excellent tools to hear directly from the people of Mount Prospect.  I will promote the use of both.

Finally, I want to say to all the people of Mount Prospect, after serving you as your Village Trustee these many years, it would be one of the greatest honors of my life to continue to serve you, the people of Mount Prospect, as your Mayor.